Hair is a vivid illustration of the incredible diversity of people inhabiting our planet. For example, a tuft of hair on the top sumo wrestler is so closely associated with his sporting activities, which solemnly cut off when a fighter ends his career. In Cambodia, the bride and groom traditionally make special clippers to deflect the impact of newly-weds of evil forces. In Malaysia, the men against the law to wear long hair, but in the Indian state of Punjab, by contrast, face the death penalty a man with a neat short haircut.
Normal type hair reflects the light shimmering in the sun. If your hair is elastic, almost flogged, easy to fit and comb, are lively appearance and preserve these qualities within a few days after shampooing, then you have correctly and properly caring for them with suitable means to you and your hair healthy. Unfortunately, the hair without problems are rare.Dry hair do not reflect light, making them look dull and lacking luster. They are easily torn, confused, difficult to comb, cut by the ends. Often, dry hair - the result of improper care, rather than a consequence of reduced activity of the sebaceous glands.It is believed that the hair is well combed before washing, combing and will be better after. We recommend short hair comb from the roots, and long - with the ends, gradually moving to the roots. Wet hair is better not to comb, and if it is necessary, not metal combs, and plastic or wood. The best drying is a natural dry hair, sometimes with warm towels. Use a hair dryer is often not recommended, but if your hair requires styling hair dryer, it should be possible to use cold drying mode, holding the hair dryer at least 40 cm from the scalp.
To select a shampoo, use a simple principle: carefully read the text on the package and use the shampoo, which is designed for your hair type, and then start using the analyze results. Positive results from the use of shampoo can be considered clean hair, their lack of fat, shiny hair after drying, good raschesyvaemost and obedience, the lack of stimulation of the scalp. To understand what this shampoo does not suit you, just one-two-fold application, but in order to come to the conclusion that this shampoo is just for you - you should regularly use it for at least several weeks. In addition, a good shampoo should remove the static electricity from your hair, and most importantly - to compensate the loss of protein, moisture and nutrients. The assertion that the shampoo from time to time to be changed - Myth: If you picked yourself a shampoo that you are completely satisfied, change it to another is only in the event of changes in the state of your hair.
Hair care products of the above would be sufficient. But when we talk about leaving, we mean healthy hair with certain features, but when these features become reasonable limits and become a problem - it's time to start talking about remedies. Of all the problems with the hair dander - a problem that occurs most frequently. It is important to understand that hair care, as well as care for any other part of the body - is a life lesson. You can not look after hair a month or two and then forget about it, hoping that they are now until the end of life will be healthy. Be consistent and do not leave your hair without a care.
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